Thursday, November 6, 2008

Saturated Fat in Coconut Oil is bad for your heart

from Saiful Azam Hj Ahmad
date Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 11:10 AM

Study showed saturated fat in coconut oil impaired anti-inflammatory ability of HDL cholesterol

Researchers from the Heart Research Institute in Australia studied the body response from eating meals containing good fats versus bad fats. Participants were fed with meals prepared with either coconut oil (high in "bad" saturated fats) or safflower oil (high in "good" polyunsaturated fats). After only 3 hours, researchers found the participants fed with the coconut meal high in saturated fat had a significantly reduced blood flow due to arteries' reduced ability to expand. After 6 hours, researchers found that the good high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol's anti-inflammatory properties had decreased after the saturated coconut meal, but improved after the polyunsaturated safflower meal. The results of this study were published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology in August 2006.
processed meat cancer.

Editor's Note - Saturated Fat is bad, regardless of source.

This study once again shows how good fats may improve body functions while bad fats hamper our health. Despite its extreme high level of saturated fat, coconut oil supporters have been promoting coconut oil as a health food. They claimed that coconut oil can cause weight loss, lower blood cholesterol, and is a germ fighter. It is true the structure of some of the saturated fats in coconut oil is different from other saturated fats, but it is scientifically farfetched to claim it as health food to be eaten every day. Like any other foods, moderation is the key.

Saturated fats are mainly found in animal products such as meat, dairy, eggs and seafood. Some plant foods are also high in saturated fats such as coconut, palm oil and palm kernel oil. Although this study is small, it showed that just one "bad" meal can do damage.

Bottom Line

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute warned that "a high content of saturated fat... found in ..... palm kernel oil, palm oil, coconut oil and cocoa butter" put people at risk for having heart attack or stroke.

* For the sake of your heart, minimize the intake of both saturated fats and trans fats. Choose wholesome fresh foods instead of packaged foods, which usually contain these bad fats.
* Avoid using cooking oils that are high in saturated fats and trans fats such as coconut oil, palm oil or vegetable shortening. Instead, use oils that are low in saturated fats and high in mono- and polyunsaturated fats such as canola oil, olive oil and safflower oil.
* As saturated fats are found in animals products, choose lower-fat version dairy. In addition, trim visible fats and skins from meat products.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

breathing technique

from sazammd@...
date Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 3:45 PM

terlupa la plak aku... lagi pun la ni aku tido awal...hehehe

Pernafasan yg betul, inhale & exhale kena melalui hidung (tak boleh melalui mulut...sebab tu dalam yoga, mana ada org nganga, buka mulut...hehehe). Bila inhale, kembongkan perut (abdomen) sebesar-besarnya lepas tu baru kembangkan dada. Bila exhale, biar dada kembali ke asal dan kempiskan perut towards your spine, sekempis yg boleh...tapi jangan paksa. Kalau nak tau secara terperinci...nah baca nie

(sebab tu bagi aku, yg susahnya ttg yoga bukannya dia punya pose...nak kawal pernafasan sambil buat segala pose yg susah)

for beginners...latihan tu buat masa berbaring, bila dah betul boleh apply dlm apa-apa position pun (missionary ka, doggy ka ... ikut hangpa la)

Learn breathing… the yoga way

With the ever-increasing incidence of lifestyle diseases like cardio-vascular and nervous system disorders, the time has come for us to address this ourselves, fair and square WITHOUT external dependence.

Did you know that reprogramming your natural breathing technique would not only help in preventing these problems but also help in the “reversal” of several such harmful conditions? Yes, it’s not only possible but proven too. In fact leading cardiac experts are advocating the benefits of “correct” breathing to their patients.

Surprising as it is, almost none of us use the full capacity of our respiratory organs. This is aggravated by our sedentary lifestyles and leads to several complications popularly called - lifestyle disorders.

The first question that comes to mind is – “How can I alter my natural breathing process?” Well, astonishing as it may seem, it’s true. By training our body to breathe in a particular fashion, we re-program our involuntary system to adopt this new way of breathing.

This breathing technique is called the “Full Yogic breath” or simply Yoga breathing.

Without wasting time, I’ll plunge right away into the technique followed by its overwhelming benefits.

First, lie down on your back, relaxed, with hands and legs outstretched and eyes looking up at the roof. Gently close your eyes and relax.

Step 1: Abdominal breathing

Observe your natural breath. You will notice that as you inhale the abdomen rises and then falls with exhalation. Watch this for a few moments to check this flow. Now begin to deepen, lengthen and extend that movement. That is, while inhaling, let the abdomen rise to its limit and at exhalation let it fall completely. Keep the chest still during this entire process – only move the abdomen. Continue this for 20 breaths and then rest.

Step 2: Thoracic (chest) breathing

Again observe your normal breath, this time focusing your attention on the chest. You will notice the chest moving slightly up at inhalation and down with exhalation. Again observe this pattern for a few moments. Now again, begin to deepen, lengthen and extend that movement. This time, on inhalation expand and lift the rib cage, filling the lungs completely. Then on exhalation, let the lungs collapse fully, sinking to the limits. In this step, keep the abdomen still, moving only the chest. Do this for 20 breath cycles and then stop

Step 3: Full Yogic breathing

This combines the above 2 steps in the following way:

First inhale by filling the abdomen and then CONTINUE inhaling as you expand and fill the chest. Then exhale first from the chest as it empties and falls and then CONTINUE exhaling from the abdomen as it draws inwards completely. This is one round of the full yogic breath. Repeat this for 20 rounds.

Remember the pattern… Inhaling - abdomen then chest; Exhaling – chest then abdomen.

GOLDEN RULE: All of the above steps should be done WITHOUT strain. The natural tendency is to heave with effort. The right way is to make it smooth and effortless. Go slow and easy.

Initially you will experience unevenness or bumps in this breathing process – as if there are 4 separate parts to the full yogic breath. This is natural considering the years we have spent breathing improperly.

Instead, try to picture this breath as a continuous wave like pattern – as if the breath moves up from the navel to the throat with every inhalation and then, down from the throat to the navel with each exhalation. It may take a few weeks of practice to perfect a “SMOOTH flowing pattern with MINIMUM effort and with MAXIMUM capacity.”

This is the desired effect!! Over time, the yoga way of breathing will come naturally to you.

And now for the all-important benefits…

The full yogic breath is the basic building block of the powerful yoga breathing techniques, also called ‘Pranayama’ in Sanskrit, which are known for their multifarious benefits.

But the tangible benefits of the full yogic breath are that it:
  • Releases acute and chronic muscular tensions around the heart and digestive organs.
  • Helps sufferers of respiratory illnesses such as asthma and emphysema to overcome the fear of shortness of breath. It actually increases lung capacity.
  • Encourages proper nervous stimulus to the cardio-vascular system
  • Dramatically reduces emotional and nervous anxiety
  • Improves detoxification through increased exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen
  • Amplifies the auto immune system by increased distribution of energy to the endocrine system
  • Calms the mind and integrates the mental / physical balance.

And the real icing is that it contributes to both vitality and relaxation through this single practice.

With such powerful all-round benefits, do you really need to be “motivated” to get going?

Go ahead, and take charge of your life like never before.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Panduan Menjaga Alat Sulit Wanita

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 10:04 PM, Nicky Yaya

1) Adalah disyorkan agar membersihkan bahagian luar selepas buang air kecil atau air besar, seeloknya menggunakan air.

2) Ketika haid, wanita dinasihatkan kerap menukar tuala wanita terutama pada hari-hari yang banyak darah. Ini kerana darah merupakan media yang sesuai untuk kuman membiak. Bagi wanita yang menggunakan 'tampon' mereka perlu ingat untuk menukarkannya.

3) Elakkan dari sering mengamalkan douching iatu iatu memasukkan jari atau pancutan ke dalam faraj dengan dengan tujuan membersihkan bahagian dalam faraj. Perbuatan ini akan menyingkirkan sejenis bacteria loctobacili dari faraj di samping mendedahkan faraj dan bahagian luar kemaluan kepada bahan kimia yang boleh mengakibatkan iritasi kulit.

4) Elakkan dari menggunakan sabun atau menyapu shower gel pada alat kelamin kerana ia mungkin menyebabka kekeringan dan iritasi kulit dan menjadi gatal. Sesetengah wanita sensitive dan alah pada pewangi dan buih sabun.

5) Pasangan suami isteri diggalakkan membersih alat kelamin dengan air sebelum dan selepas hubungan kelamin untuk kebersihan yang optimum.Amalkan membuang air kecil lebih kurang setengah jam selepas hubungan seks untuk mengurankan risikojangkitan kuman pada pundi kencing.

6) Seluar dalam perlu ditukar setiap hari dan pada hari-hari mengalami keputihan, lebih baik memakai penty liner supaya ia tidak melekat pada pakaian dalam yang menyebabkan ketidakselesaan.

7) Selain dari itu, bengkak nanah dikaitkan dengan jangkitan kuman dan pesakit mengadu sakit serta demam.Rawatan adalah secara incisional dan drainage untuk menggeluarkan nanah dan pengambilan antibiotic.Bisul juga boleh terjadi pada wanita yang sering bercukur .Oleh itu kebersihan pencukur perlu dititikberatkan.

8) Wanita yang mengalami keputihan dengan penjagaan alat sulit seharusnya perlu tahu membezakan antara keputihan biasa dan yang berpenyakit. Keputihan normal boleh berlaku pada waktu –waktu berikut seperti beberapa hari sebelum haid, ketika ghairah seks, kehamilan dan klimakterik ataupun selepas menopause..

9) Tanda-tanda keputihan yang berpenyakit termasuklah pertukaran warna dari jernih,putih kekuningan atau kehijauan atau berdarah.Sekiranya keputihan terlalu banyak ,berketul-ketul kecil,gatal dan berbau,tanda-tanda bengkak,pedih atau sakit pada alat kelamin.Sekiranya jangkitan merebak ke pangkal rahim atau system peranakan,wanita akan mengadu sakit pada bahagian bawah abdomen serta demam.

10) Seelok-eloknya wanita yang mengalami masalah keputihan dinasihatkan berjumpa doctor untuk mendapatkan pengesahan sama ada ia berpenyakit atau tidak,supaya rawatan dapat diberikan sebelum penyakit lebih serius.

11) Kebanyakan wanita sebenarnya tidak memerlukan produk atau ubat penjagaan alat kelamin sekiranya langkah-langkah yang disarankan di atas diikut dengan bijak.Ubat hanya perlu diambil bagi merawat jangkitan kuman dan keputihan yang tidak normal.

12) Segelintir wanita berasa selesa dan puas apabila mereka membersih dan merawat alat kelamin dengan produk yang berada di pasaran.Mereka dinasihatkan memikirkan bahan pencuci yang tidak mendatangkan kesan sampingan yang tidak mengubah ph faraj dan telah diuji kebersihannya.

13) Sekiranya selepas menggunakan produk tersebut dan timbul rasa gatal, pedih, kemerahan, wanita itu dinasihatkan tidak menggunakannya lagi dan berjumpalah doctor untuk mendapatkan rawatan yang sewajarnya.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia/hypertrophy (BPH)

2008/10/9 Shamsul Amri (amri_ya@...)

Cuba rujuk diagram kat sebelah ni

Saluran air kencing ( urethra) bermula dari lantai pundi kencing ( urinary bladder...bukan ulinary brader), melalui kelenjar prostate terus ke dunia luar.

Makin meningkatnya umur, sel2 prostate mengganda dan menyebabkan kelenjar prostate membengkak n seterusnya menyebabkan saluran urethra partially or completely block.

pembengkakan ni bermula seawal umur 30 tahun ( pasal tengah galak ). menjelang umur 50 tahun lebih kurang 50% dah menunjukkan tanda pembengkakan sel, by the age of 80 (ramai yang dah jalan) 75% pula yang ada. Tapi mungkin dalam 40-50 peratus yang akan ada symptom or tanda2 penyakit

Biasanya BPH tak dianggap sebagai pre cancerous lesion

antara tanda2 penyakit...kencing kerap, kencing tak leh control, tak lawas, pancutan air kencing yang lemah, meleleh, kena kuat meneran, kencing malam, sakit semasa kencing. p/s suma takdak kaitan ngan pakai gam UHU ( hahaha )

Kengkadang bila dah lama sangat jadi cam ni, air kencing akan bertakung i.e tak mengalir ngan sempurna menyebabkan pesakit dapat jangkitan pundi kencing, batu or complete obstruction/retention macam pak menakan mujib

Nak assess prostate ni bengkak or idak kena wat PR ( per rectal examination ). tengok diagram kat atas....dekat je prostate tu ngan lubang dubur ( anus ). Jadi jari dimasukkan melalui anus and doktor akan merasa saiz, rupa permukaan prostate, sakit ke dak etc2.

Selain tu ada gak ujian darah yang leh dibuat untuk menentukan keaktifan prostate ni ( PSA - prostate specific antigen ) dan bersama2 ngan ujian ultrasound kita boleh nak bezakan samada prostate tu membengkak biasa or prostate tu nak jadi kanser.

Ni aku tulis ringkas ...maybe kadut nak tambah. Pasal kanser prostate...tolong wat baacan sendiri....aku nak kena gi bank, post office jap....chow

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2008 5:43:22 PM
Subject: Re: [xbp84] pak mujib's prostate enlargement ( hehehe )

err.. mmg sel2 prostate nih mengganda dan membengkakkan kelenjar setiap masa ke apa?
camna yg boleh jadi camtuh? terlebih pakai ker? terkurang pakai ker? terkejut pakai ker? camner?

2008/10/9 Shamsul Amri :

risk faktor utama LELAKI ngan umur yang meningkat....kalau mati awal problem settle

faktor penyebab remain unknown....but berkait rapat ngan perubahan hormon ngan peningkatan umur. Testes wat testosterone yang kemudainnya di convert kpd dihydrotesto ( DHT bukan susu UHT ) n estrogen ( tu yng makin tua makin romantik, makin lembut ...terlebih hormon betino ). DHT yang wat prostate membesar....camana dia wat kena la deme wat research extra...tak tau

Dulu sebelum aku belajar pun aku cam hang gak....pasai terlebih galak ke, kurang galak ke or tak galak2 ke

ceritanya prostate ni ada dua peringkat pembesaran.....peringkat pertama semasa baligh..size jadi double. peringkat kedua....semasa zaman galak nak menikah....25 n above, yang kendian ni yg brkait rapat ngan BPH.

Satu lagi tak semestinya prostate tu membesar kita akan ada symptom, symptom bermula bila saluran urethra dah compromise.....

Monday, September 22, 2008

Infant Formula Contamination in China/ pinggan melamine

from: hayati@...
date: Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 2;03 PM
subject: RE: [xbp84] Infant Formula Contamination in China/ piggan melamine

Aku ada dpt emel ni

Kebanyakan pinggan plastic di Malaysia dibuat daripada MELAMINE yang mengandungi "urea formaldehyde" dan sangat berbahaya kepada kesihatan. Urea Formaldehyde adalah sejenis bahan yang biasanya digunakan untuk membuat bekas barangan electric dan 'insulation' wayar electrik. Bahan ini amat berbahaya jika memasuki badan manusia. Ia boleh menyebabkan masalah sistem penghadaman, masalah pernafasan, batu karang, kegagalan buah pinggang, cancer pundi kencing dan kerosakan sistem pembiakan.

Kebanyakan restoran-restoran di Malaysia juga menggunakan pinggan jenis ini kerana ia tidak mudah pecah dan kelihatan cantik seperti pinggan ceramic. Mudah sahaja untuk mengenali pinggan mangkuk yang diperbuat daripada melamine. Pada kebiasaanya di bawah pinggan ini tertulis MELAMINE. Tetapi pinggan-pinggan melamine yang di buat di Thailand atau China selalunya tidak menulis perkataan ini di pinggan tersebut. Mangkuk pinggan melamine dari Thailand adalah jenis paling berbahaya disebabkan bahan kimia yang terdapat dalam pinggan mangkuk tersebut sangat mudah 'leech out' ke dalam makanan kita, terutamanya jika makanan itu panas. Oleh itu elakkan semua pinggan mangkuk plastik yg kelihatan berkilat seperti seramik, kerana ia kemungkinan besar adalah melamine.

Selain itu, bahan MELAMINE ini juga boleh bertindak-balas dengan bahan makanan dan membentuk racun yang lebih berbahaya, iaitu melamine cyanurate. Bahan ini akan membentuk crystal seperti kaca yang boleh merosakkan salur darah dan buah pinggang.

Baru-baru ini kecoh berita tentang pencemaran melamine di dalam susu kanak-kanak. Kira-kira 15 bayi telah mati dan beratus-ratus sakit buah pinggang di China disebabkan oleh bahan ini. Pada tahun 2007 juga, telah kecoh di Amerika Syarikat kerana bahan melamine yang mencemarkan makanan haiwan peliharaan telah membunuh beratus-ratus binatang peliharaan. Ini adalah bahan yang SAMA digunakan di dalam pembuatan pinggan melamine.

Pinggan-mangkuk melamine ini banyak dijual di pasaraya di Malaysia termasuk di TESCO, GIANT, MYDIN, CARREFOUR dan byk lagi. Untuk keselamatan, gunalah pinggan yg dibuat dari kaca atau seramik kerana bahan ini adalah sangat 'stable' dan tidak beracun.

Banyak kerajaan di Eropah, New Zealand, kerajaan Amerika Syarikat, dan juga kerajaan UAE telah mengharamkan semua mangkuk pinggan yang diperbuat daripada melamine.

Monday, September 8, 2008

caffeine and migraine

On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 12:00 PM, Kadut wrote:

Coffee/caffeine can both cause and relief migraine. Sound pelik but that can occur..

Caffeine generally cause the blood vessel to constrict (mengecil) ie less blood flow. Withdrawal of caffeine causes blood vessel to dilates hence may result in migrane (due to gushing of blood in the brain). However if u ambik coffee semasa migraine, u can get quicker relief.. coz blood vessel tu constrict/ mengecil (some acute migraine medication acts similarly) and also the medication u take acts faster...cuma still boleh dpt rebound headache lepas tu.

Moral of the story.. kalau selalu dpt migrane..better stop coffee to avoid withdrawal effect (caffeine also found in tea/choc/cocacola!).

Saturday, September 6, 2008

caffeine and diuretic affect

From: Shamsul Amri
Subject: [xbp84] caffeine
Date: Saturday, 6 September, 2008, 1:37 AM

In general a person who regularly consumes caffeine has a higher tolerance to the diuretis effect.

Jadi after a while.....less fluid yang kita bole buang with the same amount of caffeiene yg kita amik.

Another thing ...untuk dapatkan diuretic effect, kita at least kena consume 250-30mg of caffeine ( equivalent to 6 cups of tea or coffee ) per one sitting. It is said that caffeine is no more diurtic than water.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Kadut wrote:
> Nescafe ada has mild diuretic effect (banyakkan air kencing)..
> tapi org pregnant tak dinasihatkan ambik caffeine.

PRION dalam otak lembu

2008/9/4 Kadut :

Saja nak mencelah, organ dalaman ni memang sedap dimakan but dari sudut kesihatan dan kalau aku tak silap, Rasulullah pun tak galakkan makan internal organs ni (jantung/kidney/perut/barin etc) except hati /limpa. Rasullullah saw bersabda, “Dihalalkan untuk kita dua jenis bangkai dan dua jenis darah; ikan dan belalang, hati dan limpa.” Organ dalaman banyak uric acid..coz gout dan kerosakkan kidney.

Lagi satu memakan otak binatang juga ada bahayanya..(dah hangpa ada kawan doktot..kena bagitau jugak..) penyakit Mad-Cow disease or CJD Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease bermula dari otak lembu, begitu juga penyakit Kuru di Papua New Guinea...sebabkan makan satu protein dari otak lembu.. PRION (dak dak DNA pun!!) but bahaya boleh menyebabkan lumpuh dan kematian selepas beberapa bulan hingga tahun selepas memakan otak yg berjangkit..sebabtu sesiapa yg di UK/Europe dulu tak leh derma darah.sebab PRION ni boleh tinggal lama dlm badan..can't be destoyed wt regular cooking except ultraviolet kalau aku tak salah.

Thalassemia lesson #4

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Kadut wrote:

Selalunya buat simple blood test dulu...FBC (full blood count), then kena tengok:
1. Hb (haemoglobin) normal range (12-15 g/dl but varries from labs/ men higher range)
2. then tengok MCV mean corpuscular volume (normal range 80-96 fl)
In thalassemia MCV is low eg MCV low as 60-75 not consistent with the Hb value; eventhough Hb can be normal or usually slightly lower around 11-12 in thalassemia minor.

Those are just screening but for confirmation kena la buat thalassemia test pulak and to confirm jenis mana Thalassemia alpha or beta.. and also to exclude other cause eg iron deficiency..especially those yg berumur (boleh dpt bleeding from the gut) or pure vegans.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thalassemia lesson #3

2008/9/3 Kadut :

Mostly thalassemia minor ni hidup tak dak masalah besaq, even dlm pemplet depa bagi kata minor ni tak mudah letih pun but aku tak setuju sebab aku pun sama macam hang and Neezat, I'm also a carrier/ thalasemia minor. At times memang akan letih, and bila aku check darah memang Hb aku relatively low and my MCV (ni index utk sel darah merah) even lower masa aku letih2, and kalau tengok darah aku bawah microscope lagi dasat..macam allien punya sel2 aku nampak. At most of the times, tak pulak aku letih sampai x leh buat kerja.. ni org yg tak thalassemia pulak yg letih kerepot.. kat maktab dulu aku X pernah pun sehari yg aku tak pi main bila petang2, lari desa ikut bukit/ kandang babi pun aku habis..dpt nombo 3 lagi dulu..

Anyway utk thalassemia, pemakanan yg baik...yg ada banyak folic acid (boleh ambik pil macam org pregnant ambik) but not too high on iron. Otherwise live like normal, jgn cari alasan tak buat kerja... but kalau letih X nak bini/ bos kacau bolehlah cari excuse kata ada thalasemia. Still keep wt other healthy diet/ lifestyle/sexlife.. bulan posa ni... pi masjid selalu!!

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 12:03 PM, Kadut wrote:

Kalau ngaku ada Thalassemia awai2 nanti kurang menyegat...well ramai yg ada Thalassemia ni at least 10% of our batch pun ada but may not know yet. ramai yg kena berada or berasal dari Mediterranean region, Africa, Indian , China and Southeast Asia, coz ada Thalassemia ni pun ada hikmahnya..protective against Malaria.

Anak aku 2/4 ada jugak thalassemia minor sbb wife aku X dak Thalassemia (TT kahwin Tt..50% chances of getting thalassemia minor but 0% for thalassemia major.

Thalassemia lesson #2

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 3:54 PM, Kadut wrote:

Bila Buyong cerita XX XY tu dia anggap hang org graduate, yg BM specialist anggap hang org Lubuk Merbau..sorri Bek, kalau aku cerita XXX pulak sib baik bulan posa!

Aku bagi contoh Thalassemia Beta
1. Berapa risiko utk dapat anak Thalassemia?

***Kalau hang tu 'carrier' (= Thalassemia minor)
Utk knowledge genetics: lets say
T= normal gene (tak dak thalassemia)
t= gene Thalassemia

Kita masing2 bawa 2 gene utk beta gobulin ni
Bek= Tt (ie. thalassemia minor= carrier)
Kalau Bini Bek adalah seorang 'carrier' juga (thalassemia minor), jadi dia ada Tt jugak

Tt kawin Tt ....(Tt X Tt)... ada 4 kemungkinan combinasi anak:
1. TT (kedua2 gene normal = anak jadi normal)
2. tT (satu gene thalassemia = anak jadi 'carrier' jugak)
3. Tt (satu gene thalassemia = anak jadi 'carrier' jugak)
4. tt (dpt kedua2 gene thalassemia = anak jadi Thalassemia MAJOR)

Jadi kalau minor kahwin minor, kemungkinannya:
1/4 jadi normal
2/4 (1/2) jadi thalassemia MINOR
1/4 jadi thalassemia MAJOR

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Thalassemia lesson #1

On Tue, Sep 2, 2008 at 2:47 PM, Kadut wrote:

OK jugak penerangan cik Bek dan Zat kita.
Thalassemia ni memang penyakit yang berkait dgn kekurangan sel darah merah akibat kerosakkan haemoglobin (haem= iron, globin=protein; ada 4 globin (2 alpha dan 2 beta) dalam satu sel darah merah. Haemoglobin ini adalah struktur yg paling penting untuk sel darah merah berfungsi dgn sempurna ie. utk bawak oxygen. Dalam penyakit kerosakkan haemoglobin (Haemoglobinopathies), ada beberepa penyakit termasuklah Thalassemia Alpha (kepincangan dlm Haemoglobin alpha), Thalassemia Beta (kepincangan dlm Haemoglobin beta), Sickle cell (dapat Haemoglobin S) dan Haemoglobin HbE diseases.

Nak pendekkan cerita haemoglobin (shortformnya Hb) dlm red blood cell (BRC) ni macam tiangseri rumah lah.. Bila cukup 4 tiang, dapatlah RBC yg sempruna macam kat atas..roung or oval shape with disc-like curvature...yang ni RBC hidup selama 120 hari lengkap!

tapi kalau tak cukup 4 tiang ni RBC jadi herot kerepot cam rumah nak roboh...
sampai macam2 bentuk..ada bentuk pensil, ada bentuk tear-drop etc...RBC ni hidup tak lama mungkin 60-90 hari...sebab tu cam Bek kata kekedang rasa letih sebab banyak Hb dah rosak dan got destroyed hence tak cukup oxygen dan rasa lesu...

Friday, August 29, 2008


From: Mohamad Zuber Bin Ismail
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 5:33:50 PM
Subject: RE: [xbp84] thalassemia

Isk…mana Dr Kadut ni…Dr Shamshul sure dah merajuk

Thalassemia ni penyakit keturunan….kalau kita ada penyakit ni…akan turun jugak pada anak-anak…tapi bukan semua anak-anak yg kena….kalau nasib baik mungkin anak-anak semua tak kena…bergantung pada kromosom kita….yg aku tau pembawak thalassemia ni komponen darahnya tak sempurna…namun boleh hidup macam biasa (contohnya aku & neezat)…umpama sebuah lori sepuluh tayar, satu tayar pancit lori tu boleh jalan lagi (betui dak contoh aku ni Doc?)

Satu yg penting, mereka tak digalakkan berkahwin sesama mereka kerana memberi kesan pada anak-anak yg bakal lahir.

Satu sindrom yg aku perasan ialah mudah letih , rasa macam malas kadang2 rasa nak baring selalu….mudah letih kalau berdiri lama2….anak aku tu sikit2 nak baring-baring

Issskkk…tunggu la Doc terangkan…

Help to save some lives : Derma darah

2008/8/29 Kadut :
Aku ada komen sikit benda yg sama taun lepas.
Good that u ada niat for blood donation..congates, you may save a live...ingat ayat al-Quran sapa2 yg menyelamatkan nyawa seseorang seumpama menyelamatkan satu ummah.

Tapi memang betul ada guideline yg mengatakan sapa2 yg duduk kat UK from 1980-1996 (for >6 mths) or in Europe (at any time from 1980 till now for >6mths) tak boleh menderma darah sampai bila2.

Berikut adalah senarai orang2 yg tak leh derma darah permanently:

1. Age above 60 years.

2. Endocrine Disorders eg, Hyperthroidism, Thyrotoxicosis

3. Having had treatment with Human Growth Hormone

4. Having had corneal or duramater transplants

5. Having lived in the United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man or the Channel Island) from 1980 to 1996 for a period of 6 months or longer.

6. Having lived in Europe from 1980 to the present for a period of 6 months or longer.

7. High Risk Groups:
7.1 Sexual Relationship with HIV infected person
7.2 Multiple sex partners
7.3 Intravenous Drug Users
7.4 Bisexuals
7.5 Sexual Relationship with Hepatitis B Positive person
7.6 Exposure to prostitutes
7.7 Homosexuals
7.8 Prostitutes

8. Medical History Of :
8.1 Acquired Haematological Disorders eg.Polycythemia Vera
8.2 Arrythmia
8.3 Autoimmune Disorders e.g. SLE
8.4 Asthma with course of steroid therapy
8.5 Cancer
8.6 Congenital Bleeding Disorder
8.7 Congenital Blood Disorder
8.8 Colitis
8.9 Dermatitis e.g. Psoriasis
8.10 Diabetes with complications
8.11 Emphysema
8.12 Epilepsy
8.13 Hepatitis B
8.14 Hepatitis C
8.15 Heart Diseases e.g. Heart Failure/Angina Pectoris/Coronary Artery Disease
8.16 HIV/AIDs
8.17 Hypertension with complications
8.18 Hypotension
8.19 Malignancy
8.20 MentalRetardation/Cerebro-vascular Disease
8.21 Multiple Sclerosis
8.22 Myelopoliferative Disorders
8.23 Nephritis
8.24 Peptic Ulcer
8.25 Psychiatric Disorder
8.26 Raynauds Disease
8.27 Sarcoidosis
8.28 Severe Allergies
8.29 Shingles
8.30 Syphilis
8.31 Total Gastrectomy

Please don't make this list put you off from menderma darah. Klau tak pasti, tanya kat Pusat derma darah/ Pusat Darah Negara (PDN) or visitwebsite Tujuan tak nak depa2 yg pernah di UK pada masa tu adalah utk mengelak kalau2 ada Mad Cow Disease...nanti PDN kena saman pulak.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


2008/8/19 Kadut:
Zubek and all those yg ngaku "ada teloq"....

While we are on this topic.... please perform your own testicular examination at least once a month (kakak2 kita pun buat BSE..breast self examination)

The testicular self exam is best performed after a warm bath or shower. (Heat relaxes the scrotum, making it easier to spot anything abnormal)

Do the following steps every month (keep in mind that the point is not to find something wrong, it is to learn what everything feels like so that you will know if something changes):

Stand in front of a mirror. Check for any swelling on the scrotal skin.

Examine each testicle with both hands. Place the index and middle fingers under the testicle with the thumbs placed on top. Roll the testicle gently between the thumbs and fingers -- you shouldn't feel any pain when doing the exam. Don't be alarmed if one testicle seems slightly larger than the other, that's normal.

Find the epididymis, the soft, tubelike structure behind the testicle that collects and carries sperm. If you are familiar with this structure, you won't mistake it for a suspicious lump. Cancerous lumps usually are found on the sides of the testicle but can also show up on the front. Lumps on the epididymis are not cancerous.

If you find a lump on your testicle, see a doctor, preferably a urologist, right away. The abnormality may not be cancer, it may just be an infection. But if it is testicular cancer, it will spread if it is not stopped by treatment. Waiting and hoping will not fix anything. Please note that free floating lumps in the scrotum that are not attached in any way to a testicle are not testicular cancer. When in doubt, get it checked out - if only for peace of mind!

Other signs of testicular cancer to keep in mind are:
> Any enlargement of a testicle
> A significant loss of size in one of the testicles
> A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
> A dull ache in the lower abdomen or in the groin
> A sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum
> Pain or discomfort in a testicle or in the scrotum
> Enlargement or tenderness of the breasts

I hesitate to mention the following list, since anything out of the ordinary down there should prompt a visit to the doctor, but you should be aware that the following symptoms are not normally signs of testicular cancer:
> A pimple, ingrown hair or rash on the scrotal skin
> A free floating lump in the scrotum, seemingly not attached to anything
> A lump on the epidiymis or tubes coming from the testicle that kind of feels
> like a third testicle
> Pain or burning during urination
> Blood in the urine or semen

*** Remember, only a physician can make a positive diagnosis ***

For that matter, only a physician can make a negative diagnosis too. If you think something feels strange, go see the doctor!

Finally, embarassment is a poor excuse for not having any problem examined by a doctor. If you think there is something wrong or something has changed, please see your doctor!

Source: Testicular Cancer Resource Centre

2008/8/20 Kadut:
I'm also a doctor.. I'd like to see my patient as a whole, not just as a piece of a heart. Kalau rawat jantung but 'tak dak teloq' tak best jugak...

I'd also encourage mak2 di sini buat BSE .. sapa tu Aguillara penyanyi tu dah kena breast cancer sampai double mastectomies (dua2 dia buang)

for details see

jangan saman aku pulak hantaq email cam ni... senang bagi photos dari aku explain panjang2 yg penting buat sendiri.. baru tau your own normal body / anatomy

Monday, August 18, 2008

Calculated risk for Down Syndrome
Just for your info... here's the possible risk involve for Down's syndrome accordign to mum's age...note: risk also higher if father is older... these are just the risk but Allah know best DS is due to chromosomal problems and it can occur at any age but relatively higher chances when someone gets older. That's why Down syndrome can also occur if the mum is 18 yrs old. At age 37, the chances of NORMAL (not Down's) baby is 328/329 (looking on the other side of the coin)!!

Mother's age 15 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1663

Maternal age 16 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1659

Mother's age 17 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1654

Maternal age 18 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1647

Mother's age 19 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1638

Maternal age 20 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1627

Mother's age 21 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1611

Maternal age 22 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1591

Mother's age 23 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1564

Maternal age 24 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1531

Mother's age 25 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1487

Maternal age 26 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1433

Mother's age 27 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1367

Maternal age 28 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1288

Mother's age 29 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1195

Maternal age 30 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 1089

Mother's age 31 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 975

Maternal age 32 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 855

Mother's age 33 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 733

Maternal age 34 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 617

Mother's age 35 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 509

Maternal age of 36 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 412

Mother's age of 37 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 329

Maternal age of 38 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 259

Mother's age of 39 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 202

Maternal age of 40 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 156

Mother's age 41 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 119

Maternal age 42 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 91

Mother's age 43 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 69

Maternal age 44 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 52

Mother's age 45 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 40

Maternal age 46 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 20

Mother's age 48 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 16

Maternal age 49 years, Down Syndrome risk factor is 1 pregnancy in 12

..of it being a Down Syndrome pregnancy. According to Hook, E.G., Lindsjo, A.

Why teloq senget sebelah?

On 8/14/08, Kadut wrote:
Memang senget... "teloq" kiri memang lebih rendah dari kanan.
Kalu x caya, londeh tengok..

doc, mmg londeh sblh (psai apa aa sbnarnya?)

On 8/15/08, sazammd:
Nak cerita sket...Avocado dlm bahasa Aztec bermaksud testicle...sebab buah avocado dia akan ada dua bijik pada satu tangkai...satu akan lebih rendah sikit daripada yg satu lagi.

2008/8/18 Kaduts:
Aku saja nak tengok berapa org nak ngaku "teloq" depa sengat/rendah ke kanan instead of kiri..mesti ada tapi malu nak habaq!! Sorri para ibu2, I'm trying to be 'academic' here not 'erotic' kay. Actually, suatu masa dulu kat DTSP (library la tu!), MRSM BP aku telah terbaca tenteng maklumat "teloq senget sebelah" ni and that info has changed my ambition sebab rasa facinated about medicine since then! (dulu nak jadi engineer or scientist.. cam Peja kot).

Anyway, some researchers noted 70-80% men have left testicle lower then the right, some commented that if u r right-handed person, then ur left testis is lower then the right and vice versa. Senget sebelah tu disebabkan oleh yg kiri selalunya lebih berat!! Nak timbang..silakan...

peja :
agak2nya macamana ke cara nak timbang tu, tuan doktor? aku ikhlas tanya ni sbb memang tak tau...

2008/08/20, amri_ya@...:
Takyah ikhlas nak tanya...buat2 tak ikhlas tengok...mesti banyak jawapan gelong...tapi aku rasa takdak la alat timbang spesific. selalunya kalau nak timbang berat organ ni kita wat masa post mortem. Ada ka kadut weighing scale ni???

2008/8/20 Kadut:
Aku pun tak pernah timbang, tapi selalunya aku guna 'biji tasbih'... orchiometer

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

jarum gajah = butterfly needle

2008/8/13 kaduts71@...:
Saja aku panggil jarum gajah (jarum tu connected dgn tubing cam belalai!)... kalau nak kurangkan sakit boleh guna butterfly needle... jarum haluih sikit..byk guna utk budak kecik, cuma kekadang kalau hisap darah cepat sangat boleh dpt inaccurate result

Cara lein nak kurangkan sakit..bubuh EMLA cream/ tepuk2 sikit or tuam2 dgn air suam bagi urat timbui/ exercise tangan/ elevate tangan etc. Aku pernah buat semua tu esp kat Otolia dulu sbb kat sana lengan depa nala punya besaq tapi urat kadang haluih and fragile and dissapear bila sejuk winter. Last2 cari urat artery jugak...senang sikit but dangerous!! (don't request for this!)

From: norlia.@...
Sent: Wednesday, 13 August, 2008 3:59:43 PM
Subject: Re: [xbp84] Sakit ambik darah

KAdut! hang jangan guna jarum gajah kat aku! aku dah donate berliter2 darah, tak penah lagi aku kena cucuk ngan jarum gajah!

On 8/13/08, kaduts71@...:

Masa tu hang mungkin dah sakit gigi, so sakit kat gigi (gusi bengkak) tu 'overuled' sakit injection tu.. memang injection tu sakit sat saja for a few seconds then jadi 'kebas' & tak sakit. Bab injection ambik darah ni lain sikit, memang tak bagi local analgesia (ubat kebas) dan mencari urat (vein) kat pelipat tangan tu adakalanya senang dan adakalanya susah especially kalau vein X nampak/ urat kecil dan bengkang-bengkok/ tangan 'gajah'. Kalau aku kat kawan memang aku guna jarum 'gajah'!

2008/8/12 zuber@...:

Aku pernah kena cucuk tak sakit…waktu aku nak cabut gigi kat klinik gigi di pekan Ayer Tawar Perak….aku sebelum tu memang tak pernah cabut gigi…memang aku seram habis bila doktor nak cucuk gusi aku….tapi heran betul sikit pun tak rasa sakit…tak tau bila dia cucuk…tau tau kebas saja…anak aku & wife aku cabut gigi kat situ pun tak rasa sakit langsung bila doktor cucuk gusi depa

From: Saiful Azam Hj Ahmad
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 8:58 AM
Subject: RE: [xbp84] blood type

Ada ka cucuk tak sakit? Hangpa ni teruk la....derhaka pada doktor. Hari tu Lia...hari hang plak. Sebagai balasan...Buyong, hang letak Zubet punya results kat sini...meh kita tengok & gelak ramai-ramai.

On Tue, 12/8/08, zuber@...:
Subject: RE: [xbp84] blood type
Date: Tuesday, 12 August, 2008, 8:43 AM

Dah la cucuk sakit…result pulak boleh hilang

From: KS
Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 7:35 AM
Subject: RE: [xbp84] blood type

Kan aku dah kata Bet......

From:Shamsul Amri
Sent: Monday, 11 August, 2008 8:50 PM
Subject: RE: [xbp84] blood type

Aku dah amik dah on 1/6/07. tapi aku cari balik result hang tak jumpa la Bet....ntah mana bebudak klinik aku misplace result tu..

On Mon, 8/11/08, ksahrin@... wrote:
Subject: RE: [xbp84] blood type
Date: Monday, August 11, 2008, 7:30 PM

Yang sanggup bagi dia ambik blood hang?? .... think twice man!

From: Zuber...
Sent: Monday, 11 August, 2008 12:08 PM
Subject: RE: [xbp84] blood type

Nasib baik KS hantaq info pasal blood type tu...tak payah aku pi jumpa DSAZ untuk check aku darah jenis apa

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sperm Bank

2008/8/11 Kadut :

Actually sperm bank dah ada kat M'sia but only in KL and Penang klau aku x silap, mainly kat private.

Setengah patient aku dulu yg nak menjalani chemotherapy/ cytotoxic agent ada buat sperm bankin in case depa dapat masalah sperm selepas rawatan tersebut,
jadi masih boleh dapat zuriat sendiri.

Kat belah PJ ni, ada di Damasara Fertility Centre now known as TMC Fertility Centre (they r moving into Tropicana Medical Centre TMC kat Kota Damansara soon (dekat rumah aku... but Usin aku x dak megazine XXX kalau hang nak pinjam for sperm banking tu!!)

Just for info...

Sperm Banking is indicated for:

* Men who is undergoing cancer treatment.
* Men facing voluntary sterilization.
* Men facing sterilization resulting from medical conditions or treatments such as vasectomy, orchidectomy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy.
* Men having high risk occupation exposure to radiation or toxic substances.
* Men having high risk for testicular injury.
* Men having low sperm count.
* Men who wish to store their sperm for future use.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Leptospirosis (Demam Kencing Tikus)

----- Original Message ----
From: peja
Sent: Monday, 23 June, 2008 9:38:22 PM
Subject: Re: [xbp84] Kencing Haiwan

ni aku cedok dari internet...

leptospirosis adalah penyakit haiwan yg disebabkan oleh pathogenic bakteria leptospira interrogans (bentuk dia panjang & spiral) yg boleh menjangkit pd manusia (zoonotik).. . haiwan yg mudah dijangkiti bakteria ni ialah tikus dan tupai... tapi haiwan2 lain mcm anjing, kucing, ayam, burung etc pun boleh kena jugak... bila bakteria ni dah berkembang biak dlm tubuh haiwan, dia boleh keluar bersama2 urine haiwan tu... bakteria ni boleh menular secara langsung dan tak langsung kepada manusia... secara langsung tu contohnya bila kulit yg ada luka terkena apa2 yg tercemar dgn bakteria ni.. atau masa cuci muka, air yg digunakan tercemar dgn bakteria ni... bila basuh muka, bakteria dlm air yg tercemar ni boleh masuk ikut kelopak mata, mukosa mulut / hidung... atau bila termakan atau terminum mknan/minuman yg tercemar dgn bakteria ni... kalau secara tak langsung pulak kalau bakteria tu dijangkiti dari haiwan perantara (vector) yg lain... bila masuk dlm badan manusia, dlm masa 4-19 hari, akan ada simptom awal spt pening kepala, lesu, demam menggigil etc... penyakit ni boleh diubati dgn antibiotik streptomycin, tetracyclin atau erithromycin. .. yg jadi fatal tu bila lambat dirawat dengan sepatutnya.. .

2008/6/24 Kadut :

Just nak add sikit.

Demam kecing tikus atau Leptospirosis memang banyak berlaku kat M'sia- dah endemic tapi cuma kurang diberi tumpuan kerana kadangkala tak didiagnoasakan dgn cepat (diagnosis sepenuhnya perlukan keputusan darah/cecair badan yg mungkln memakan masa > 1week).

Masalahnya pesakit boleh dpt kuman leptospira ni (yg lebih bahaya kalau tak salah aku jenis Leptopsira icterohaemorrhagiae sbb dia sebabkan demam kuning berdarah!) dimana2 (esp kalau pi mandi kat hutan/ sungai eg Ulu Langat/ kedai yg tak terurus) dan boleh present dgn pelbagai simtom: (4 differant presenatations)

1) Demam sikit2 cam selsema
2) Weil's disease (dpt demam berlarutan, demam kuning/ jaundice, kidney rosak, pendarahan dan denyutan jantung tak sekata)
3) Meningitis (sakit kepala tak boeh tundukkan kepala)
4) Batuk berdarah/ pulmonary haemorrhage serta peparu rosak

Jadi kadang2 ingatkan demam denggi but turn out to be Leptospirosis.. rawatannya berbeza sekali sbb perlukan antibiotiks. Kalau lambat memang susah nak sembuh. Kalau leptospirosis darah putih (white cell count WBC tinggi vs Denggi WBC normal)

Sebab tu kalau demam selepas pi mandi air sungai/ terjun.. cepat2 pi doktor ambik antibiotik. Kalau nak cegah boleh jugak- can try antibiotik Doxycycline.. untuk rawatan jerawat sekali..!! utk Buyung yg dah umula remaja balik!!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pronoton & Mentalk

2008/6/19 Shamsul Amri

Yes...mmg ada sildenafil....sebab tu aku kata 'dulu' coz tak silap aku zuber yang cerita kat aku pasal benda ni dah kena withdraw. La ni aku tak tau dia pakai ubat apa, tapi ari tu wak jono ada story pasal kopi apa ntah...power sepanjang malam. Hang pun ada sekali kan malam tu azam....lepas aku naik keta baru hang yang berusia 3 minggu masa tu.

Aku dah sentuh dulu pasal cialis i.e taldalafil....bunyik macam 'tak dak la feel'. Bunyi jer tak dak la feel...makan baru tau camna dia punya feel...hahaha

Zul B = Zul H

On Thu, 6/19/08, Saiful Azam wrote:

Ehhh...bukan Pronoton dah kena withdraw dari market ke...sebab ada sildenafil (active ingredient Viagra). Baru-baru ni satu lagi product.. Mentalk pun ada active ingredient yang lebih kurang sama i.e. taldalafil (Cialis).
Eh...sapa plak Zul B... Zul H ka?

Shamsul Amri wrote:

Aku dengaq dulu dia dok amek pronoton.... maybe ni la long term side effect ubat nih. Zul B....komen?? ?/

On Thu, 6/19/08, faizalahmad wrote:

ni Zuber hang ni kami kena prescribe ubat lain ni ,,,,, lain macam

Jib ko jgn layan si zuber ni.....mabuk la kalau dia kata dia obese. Badan steady ....exercise tiap2 malam paa. kalu dia kata dia obese sket.... kita kategori apa????

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