Monday, June 25, 2007

Prevention of Hypertension #3

romkaduts tudak
dateMon, Jun 25, 2007 at 11:13 PM
subjectRe: [xbp84] Prevention of Hypertension #3

Good.. there r some responses on health promotion. Please join the band wagon.. give ideas on how we can all improve ourselves..practically.
For a start, here r some other ideas:

1. Kurang makan... how??
- starts with buah (buah apa2 tak pa... it gives u early satiety (rasa kenyang cepat) and acts as buffer during absorption of food esp carbohydrates and fats
- then ambik cuma setengah pinggan nasi (or even quarter) note: nasi is carbohydrate (carbo), I feel Asian byk sgt makan carbo- OK kalau kuat bekerja kat bendang but most of us bentang kat atas sofa slps makan
-believe me if you cut down in your carbo, ur wgt and figure will improve, u may heard about Atkins diet (it basically ask u to take near zero carbo but high protein and fat but u still lose wgt.. but I wont suggest u to take high fat since it causes plaques in artery)
- for those yg ada sakit 'gastrik'.. berubatlah..sepatutnya tak dpt gastrik teruk kalaupun terlepas may means u ada organism called Helicobacter pylori.. easily treated with triple medications for 1 week (ask your doctor).
- those ibu2 yg rajin memasak and calorie-conscious.. please go to this website.. .. suitable for Malaysian diet and local advice..siap dgn resipi wt colours wt calori content(see in resipi vol 2)
- also jgn tidur at least 3-4 hrs lepas makan..unless nak jadi Mr/Mrs Roy..
2. Exercise... bagus buat- bolehlah consistent and fun to do too. But ramai kita tak ada fren nak buat kan...& wt the big S..Sibuk.. Jadi at least make sure u selalu jalan kaki with a fast pace. and try taking the staircase instead of lifts/excalators. Eg. u boleh park kereta jauh sikit and walk to ur office..
3. For those yg ada Hypertension..
- u ada tak buat tests to exclude secondary causes of Hypertension (ie collection of 24 hr air kencing and some basic ultrasound scan) and also end-organ check (ECG and urine check)
- there r many medications for controlling blood pressure and the doctor may have to individualized it to u
- the medication started for u is called Beta-blockers (all medications ending wt -ol eg. atenolol) is a good meds since u take only once a day, but my only concern is it does not protect u getting diabetes in future (now that ur BMI is 31 and ?family history of diabetes) and it has some other side effects like lowering ur pulse ( ur pulse should be 60-100/min) and like our fren is concerned.. lower ur libido (in men can gets less erection). If none of this is happening, u may carry on wt it but I would usually prescribed other meds 1st now for my hypertensive patients (other medicines have protective effects against diabetes).
4. Misai Kucing has lots of medicinal properties including for controlling blood pressure thru diuretic effects mainly (also good for kidney stones), and in fact many research into it USM, and Japan. The only drawbacks are susah nak persistent in taking it and not sure of dosages. Kalu ambik lebihpun ada side effects sbb ada jugak some toxic substance in it kalau ambik byk sgt. Pernah ada patient dpt liver and kidney problems. Kalau makan pun take small amount and pls check wt ur doctors too.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Prevention of Hypertension #2

fromkaduts tudak
dateSun, Jun 24, 2007 at 9:40 AM
subjectRe: [xbp84] Prevention of Hypertension #2

MUla2 aku kena correct my quatation fr AlQuran in previous e-mail sbb tak lengkap Surah Al-Araf(7: Ayat31) marfumnya "Hai anak2 Adam! Pakailah perhiasanmu setiap waktu solat, dan makan dan minumlah dan jangan melampaui batas. Sesungguhnya Tuhan tidak menyukai org2 yg melampaui batas".
Okey panjang nak cerita pasai hypertension and prevention ni.

1. Kenapa perlu cegah??
- 50% org kena serangan jantung pertama (ni selalunya org yg kata dia sihat wala fiat & tak pernah check underlying penyakit) mati mengejut (Sudden cardiac death) sebelum sampai ke pintu hospital..doktot tak blh buat apa2, tak sempat say goodbye to your love ones..harap2 sempat mengucap
- 80% in those kena stroke will have some form of permanent neuro disabilities

2. Bagaimana mencegah?
-go & check your risks where?? you can go to GPs to check (go in morning and be fasted for blood tests)
-then you should know your risks
  • hypertension (primary ie no underlying cause found or secondary ie ther's underlying disease causing blood pressure to be high)
  • or pre-hypertension state (BP within 120-139/ 80-89)
  • high cholesterol
  • diabetes (kencing manis)/ pre-diabetes
  • overweight/obese
  • smoking
  • age
  • family history
ect.. and gets treatement accordingly

3. How to prevent hypertension?
i) Ideal body weight (BMI<23) and tummy circumferance (80cm for aweks and 90cm for machos)
- each 10kg weight reduction can reduce 5-20 mmHg of BP
ii) Good diet habit
-rich in fibres/vegies/fruits and low in fat
-can get aound 10 mmHg BP reduction (8-14 in DASH study)
search for DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension) diet
iii) Low salt intake (low sodium <2.4 gm a day)
-kurangkan makan makanan dlm tin (high sodium content for preservation)
-kurangkan ambil kuah pelbagai jenis kalau makan kat luar
-avoid ikan/telur masin atau sekali sekala shj
-kurangkan junk food
- can reduce up to 8 mHg
iv) Engage in regular activity
-can reduce up to 9mmHg
v) Less stress
- try to engage in job that u enjoy doin although it may be tiring and busy..
-dekatkan diri dgn yg Maha ESa (solat duha pagi dpt kurangkan stress bekerja pada hati tu coz u dah focuskan u kerja utk Allah)
4. So if u can combine all stratergies insyaAllah less risk of u developing Hypertension
-even if u r diagnosed of hypertension, gets treatment earlier.. it makes a lots of difference

Bottomline, think of yourself.. and your love ones..

frommohd hadzri
dateMon, Jun 25, 2007 at 8:09 PM
subjectRe: [xbp84] Prevention of Hypertension #2

Salam Kengkawan sume,
Hypertension (aku nak tambah sikit je):
  1. Ubatnya Misai Kucing, amalkan 2 hari sekali, drastik result dalam 1 minggu kot
  2. Kurangkan makan daging, kerang, daging kambing (proven research ntah aku tak pasti)
  3. pemakanan ikut dr firdaus yang low colestrol, high fibre dsb,
  4. buat benda yang seronok je, jgn banyak risau, rilekkan otak mcm dr firdaus cakap
  5. cukupkan tidur, dan mcm2 lagi
Jangan amalkan ubat kerana ia selalunya melemahkan seks ...
INSYAALLAH kalau try formula aku kat atas ni ok la tu ....
eleh, ada orang sampai 220/130 cakap engko tapi tak jadi ape pun, ok je tak sakit tengkuk pun

Prevention of Hypertension #1

fromkaduts tudak
dateSun, Jun 24, 2007 at 8:27 AM
subjectRe: [xbp84] Prevention Hypertension #1

Soalan hang memang releven sangat kat kita semua...yes..kita semua..we r all above 35 yrs old and starting to get in the higher risk grp category for many chronic and debilitating diseases like hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease and stroke to name a few. We r all not muda remaja anymore (in the biological age anyway) althought hati memang rasa cam tu selalu..
Do you know that 41% of Malaysian (from Malaysian Society Hypertension, Chua Soi Lek kata 30%) have hypertension ie. batch kita saja nanti >80 org akan ada darah tinggi. Scarry kan...And for every patient in the country diagnosed as having hypertension, two others are not detected because kebanykkan org ada hypertension tak ada simptoms (rasa muda remaja je).
Well, do we need to worry about hypertension? Bukankah makin tua our blood vessel makin mengeras & akan dpt jugak darah tinggi? Every will die eventuallykan... is this propaganda from the west like whats written in the article delievered earlier?
I felt that the writter was just frustrated that being a science teacher she was not be able to justify her fruitless affort to cure her child's disease but blaming on science will not improve the situation either. She should also check her info before indiscriminately preaches onto her students and fellow e-mail readers. Obviously kalau ada clash between the current knowledge and Islam, mestinya kita without anymere thought at all to chose the teaching from the true revelation, Al-Quran and As -sunnah. Memang ada stghnya propaganda Westerners. Cthnya Is moderate amount of alcohol good for the heart?? Jelas sekali HARAM ... the impact of alcohol is huge to the complete health (all organs are negatively affected by alcohol), to family, to society and to the victims (rape/car accident etc.) Back to the topic..
Hypertension alone does not kill you but its effects on the blood vessels and organs that may kill or make someone suffers. We near not long ago that six Malaysians get STROKE every hour, and unfortunately in Malaysia, these patients r getting younger & younger every year. Think of the consequences STOKE etc can do... hilang upaya, hilang kerja, dependent of your spause/ carer, bedbound, disruptive to family, lost of expertise, premature death etc.
Memang ajal di tgn Allah but kita dikurniakan aqal. Sunatullah kalau kita take care of our self, insyaAllah dilanjutkan usia dan penggunaan anggota kita. Satu tahun bertambah dlm keadaan sihat means roughtly 31025 more rakaat wajib in solat (lelaki; yg ada 'sabatikal leave' tak kira la), 1 more full month of Ramadhan (may get the chance of LailatulQadar too..1000bulan), bayar zakat, sedeqah etc... In short kita perlukan masa tambahan utk lebihkan amalan kita and this means kita kena jaga our own asset..our life.
That means the key word. Ilmu sains/perubatan actually should enhance our admiration and ketakwaan sbb true scientific knowledge should not contradict Quran and hadith.Yg halal means boleh makan but of course in moderation. From the holy Quran (7:31) "Eat and drink, but not excessively"
Prevention is better than cure..

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Iron / Liver not for Thalassemia

from kaduts tudak
date Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 12:21 AM
subject Re: [xbp84] Fwd: Iron/Liver not for Thalassemia

Just to add on:
1. Memang hati/liver mempunyai kandungan zat besi/iron yg tinggi. Untuk penyakit anaemia (kurang darah merah)- banyak sebabnya. Sekiranya disebabkan kurang iron, memakan hati dapat membantu. Tetapi kalau disebabkan panyakit Thalassemia (penyakit keturunan yg menyebabkan Haemoglobin tak stabil ie. instead of red cell's life of 120 days, the cells die earlier; need prevention ie kalau ada thalassemia tak leh kahwin dg yg ada Thalassemia jugak), memakan hati boleh menyebabkan lagi teruk. Sebabnya sel darah merah tu mati cepat; bila mati terkeluarlah zat iron dlm badan menyebabkan kandungan zat iron tinggi. Kalau tambah lagi zat iron akan menyebabkan iron overload thus merbahaya kpd pesakit tersebut.

2. Sekarang ni doktor taklah suggest makan liver sesangat sbb boleh increase urik acid (gout) dan cholesterol. But dulu mungkin iron tablet tak mudah didapati hence hati ayam kan banyak..

3. Walaupun Islam tak galakkan makan organ dalaman, taklah diharamkan. Benda halal jgn diharamkan. Lagipun ada hadith narrated by Ibn Umar that Prophet SAW said " There are two kinds of blood which are halal for us, that of the liver and that of the spleen; and there are two kinds of dead creatures which are halak for us- fish and locusts" Medicine of the Prophet by As-Suyuti 15th Century

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