Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thalassemia lesson #4

On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 8:48 AM, Kadut wrote:

Selalunya buat simple blood test dulu...FBC (full blood count), then kena tengok:
1. Hb (haemoglobin) normal range (12-15 g/dl but varries from labs/ men higher range)
2. then tengok MCV mean corpuscular volume (normal range 80-96 fl)
In thalassemia MCV is low eg MCV low as 60-75 not consistent with the Hb value; eventhough Hb can be normal or usually slightly lower around 11-12 in thalassemia minor.

Those are just screening but for confirmation kena la buat thalassemia test pulak and to confirm jenis mana Thalassemia alpha or beta.. and also to exclude other cause eg iron deficiency..especially those yg berumur (boleh dpt bleeding from the gut) or pure vegans.

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