saha harun wrote:
salam kawan2.....nak minta opinion kawan2 sikit, especially the doctors.....
last saturday sambil2 tunggu berbuka , aku tgk NTV7 , program ni pasal derma organ. kat malaysia ni sgt kurang org2 yang willing & mendaftar untuk derma organ selepas diorg mati.
kata dr tu, paling ramai cina then india last baru lah melayu yang dah daftar untuk derma organ.
kata dia lagi, dlm setahun ada 7000 org malaysia mati sebab accident, so kalau lah 1 % sahaja drpd jumlah tu willing to donate, then maybe hospital dah ada 140 buah pinggang yg boleh di pindah kan kpd org lain & menyelamatkan nyawa ramai org juga. lagi pun kat bwh ofis aku ni, memang ada hemodialysis centre, so kesian jugak la tgk patients kat sini, selang 3 hari kena dtg treatment...mahal pulak tu !!
sblm ni isu ni pernah dibincangkan oleh mufti & pakar2 dalam islam & rasanya org islam boleh donate....
so, soalannya adalah mcmana kita nak daftar & agensi kerajaan mana yg in caj ?
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subject | ![]() Saha, National Transplant Resource Centre adalah di bawah Ministry of Health, Malaysia. Nko boleh dapatkan national organ donor registration form dari : For further information you can contact : 03-26942704/2705 (Pusat Sumber Transplan Nasional, Hosp. Kuala Lumpur 05-5222324/2533333 ext 2324 (Pusat Sumber Perdermaan Organ, Hosp. Ipoh 04-2002436/2293333 ext 435 (Pusat Sumber Transplan, Hosp. P. Pinang 07-2231666 ext 2751 (Pusat Sumber Tranplan, Hosp. Sultanah Aminah Kalau rajin, baca artikel kat bawah ni:
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subject | ![]() thanks a lot with all the fatwa and qur'anic verses yang kau include pasal organ transplant. Bolehlah aku quote kat family members pasal organ donation when the time comes. kau memang betul, when it comes to nak ambik orang lain punya kidney untuk transplant, orang melayu memang tak dak hal. tapi bila nak ambik buah pinggang dia orang,problem pulak. macam-macam yang disebut, seksa mayatlah etc. In fact memang aku deal with kidney transplantation, preparing patients and managing post transplantation care. Biasanya bila ada kes brain death daripada kes accident,patients ni has still heart beat and good kidney function tapi legally speaking they are dead sebab brain death is equivallent to death. so it is such a waste bila pesakit macam ni meninggal dunia with such functioning kidney sebab hanya dengan sorang dia saja, dia boleh menyelamatkan banyak nyawa lain from his heart,2 kidneys and the liver. Sistem kita ialah "opt out" di mana bila ada kes macam ni, we will meet the next of kin, isteri dia ke or parents dia. you need to know even kalau kau dah pledge nak bagi buah pinggang kau masa kau hidup, if your next of kin rejects it masa kita approach dia, we wont be able to harvest the organs. so you also need to tell your family members about your intention-so this is opt out Di singapore,it is opt in di mana semua orang are considered penderma organ. so bila ada brain death, they will harvest the organ without approaching the family members. melainkan kalau kau tak setuju jadi penderma organ, then you kena pledge untuk tidak jadi penderma. so nampak tak the difference? sini kita kena pledge jadi penderma, tapi kat singapore, kita kena pledge untuk tidak jadi penderma, kalau tak organ kau akan diambil without family approval. but the implication is kalau kau pledge untuk tidak jadi penderma, the implication is you and your family under your care will not get an organ bila diperlukan. Sounds fair? perhaps, tapi kita tak apply this approach sebab we feel this approach is against the transplant ethics. this is a gift and it should come from your heart not to be forced. So the problem always arise bila kita approach family members berbangsa melayu, there is always alot of resilience. but it is easier when we deal with other bangsa. the irony is, bila tang nak terima buah pinggang tu cepat je orang kita ni bersetuju. Honestly speaking, the way to go untuk masalah buah pinggang bila sampai kena dialysis is to do renal transplantation. memang banyak masalah bila kita undergo dialysis. infection, access failure-tak boleh nak cuci darah sebab salur darah untuk dialysis tersumbat etc. dan survival rate when on dialysis is about 50% in 5 years as bad as getting colon cancer. if we get renal transplant, seseorang tu on average boleh survive more than 10 years and now with modern treatment can go as long as 20 years or more! masalahnya is of course, tak cukup organ. on average seorang pesakit dialysis di malaysia terpaksa tunggu on average 6 to 7 years to get a kidney and that is too late, by then a lot of complications has already happenned. di australia where i am working currently, the average of waiting is 2 years...and that is why survival rate pesakit buah pinggang is very good. I can relate this experience sebab kat sini, every week mesti ada organ donor and you have to know accident rate kat australia is much less. bila aku kat KL doing nephrology, nak dapat donor once in a month pun susah,and more often than not the donor always orang bukan melayu, tapi yang terima tu ramai pulak orang melayu. bukan ke bagus kalau mat-mat rempit tu pledge untuk jadi organ donor. at least matinya dia orang adalah jugak gunanya daripada mati terkojol macam tu je. Number-number yang azam bagi adalah number pusat-pusat di mana bila ada kes, they will be contacted untuk organ harvesting. dia orang akan arrange doctor-doctor yang terlibat untuk organ harvesting. pusat ini jugak akan memberi information kalau kita nak tahu lebih lanjut pasal pendermaan organ. Kalaulah kat tempat you all kerja nak taklimat ke pasal pendermaan organ, contact the number, they will send somebody to bagi taklimat. oklah tulis banyak sangat pulak |
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subject | ![]() Aku jumpa poem ni kat kaunter yg dok promote organ donation baru-baru nie... To Remember Me - I Will Live Forever Robert N. Test The day will come when my body will lie upon a white sheet neatly tucked under four corners of a mattress located in a hospital; busily occupied with the living and the dying. At a certain moment a doctor will determine that my brain has ceased to function and that, for all intents and purposes, my life has stopped. When that happens, do not attempt to instill artificial life into my body by the use of a machine. And don't call this my deathbed. Let it be called the bed of life, and let my body be taken from it to help others lead fuller lives. Give my sight to the man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby's face or love in the eyes of a woman. Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain. Give my blood to the teenager who was pulled from the wreckage of his car, so that he might live to see his grandchildren play. Give my kidneys to the one who depends on a machine to exist from week to week. Take my bones, every muscle, every fiber and nerve in my body and find a way to make a crippled child walk. Explore every corner of my brain. Take my cells, if necessary, and let them grow so that, someday a speechless boy will shout at the crack of a bat and a deaf girl will hear the sound of rain against her window. If you must bury something, let it be my faults, my weakness and all prejudice against my fellow man. Give my sins to the devil. Give my soul to God. If, by chance, you wish to remember me, do it with a kind deed or word to someone who needs you. If you do all I have asked, I will live forever. |
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